Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Camille's 1st Birthday Party!

Since both of our families were in Del Rio for Camille's Baptism, we had her 1st birthday party a few days early while we were all there together. She knew it was her special day!
She loved her ladybug cake! She was very careful about tasting it & then decided she really liked it! She kept clapping for herself!
It was very different from Carlton, who had to go straight to the bathtub!
It was fun to have our cousins and little friends there!

Camille posing in her party dress!

Camille's 1st Birthday!!!

Camille is 1 year old!
I just can't believe how fast this year has flown by!

She loves her new playhouse! She loves to talk on the phone and sit in her little kitchen!
She shares with her big brother, too!
Carlton was so great on Camille's birthday! He wasn't even jealous! He helped her open presents and helped her play with her new toys!

We were so glad that Hattie & Anderson could come celebrate with us! Carlton loves driving Hattie around in his Jeep!