Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Getting ready for Baby Girl!

We are ready for Baby Girl to arrive tomorrow!

But things are definitely different than when we had Carlton. We only had to make plans for the dogs back then!

But now, we have to make plans for Carlton while we're at the hospital.

Big Thank You to Amy & Chad!!!

We had to be at the hospital at 5 AM,
and thankfully, my mom was going in with us... so Carlton spent the night with Amy & Chad.

He was so excited & that made me feel so good knowing he was going to be with them & that he wasn't upset! He was so happy to go to Hattie's house & fine with knowing he'd see us tomorrow!
I'm so excited about the baby, but it did kinda make me sad to think everything is about to change for Carlton!

Carlton & his new puppy, Pee Wee!

Carlton loves his new best friend ~ PEE WEE!
Uncle George & Aunt Kristen gave him to Carlton early for his birthday!

Carlton playing in the backyard

Carlton loves playing in the backyard! Swinging, sliding, digging, whatever!

George Paul Memorial Bullriding

Carlton loved the Bullriding! He had a great time watching the bulls and the bullfighters!

We had a great time ~ our last trip to Del Rio before the baby girl arrives! I was the designated driver all weekend ~ imagine that!

1st Trip to the Zoo

Carlton absolutely loved the zoo! Luckily, we went before it was too crowded or too hot!

Easter '08

Carlton & Hattie had a practice run to kick off Easter weekend!

He was so surprised to find a whole nest of goodies the Easter Bunny left for him!

We spent Easter in Mason this year...
And Carlton had a blast hunting all the Easter eggs the Easter Bunny hid for him!